
A civil matter involves a lawsuit in which one party sues another to recover money, real property or personal property, to enforce a contract or an obligation, to collect damages for injury (tort), or to protect some civil right. The California Rules of Court (CRC) and local rules published by each Court in the state are available online to view.
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The Superior Court has jurisdiction over misdemeanor and felony criminal charges. Misdemeanors are offenses generally punishable by fine and/or county jail term, and felonies are generally punishable by imprisonment in the State prison and/or fines, or even the death penalty. The Court conducts arraignments where accused individuals are informed of the specific charges against them and are advised of their rights
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The exhibits department exists to uphold the ethical conduct of the Court. By following the procedures and policies set forth by the Court we will preserve and protect all exhibits filed with the Court, keeping them safe, secure and confidential. Exhibits are maintained in several locations throughout the San Bernardino Superior Court.
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Family Court Services
The Family Court has extensive jurisdiction over many domestic matters. It is designed to resolve disagreements arising from divorce and legal separation, including provisions for the care of children. Our Family Court division is committed to the processing and management of all domestic matters with integrity, sensitivity and timeliness.
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Family Law

Juvenile Court handles Delinquency cases, in which anyone under the age of 18 (minor) is cited or arrested by a law enforcement agency, as well as Dependency cases, in which a minor is removed from the custody of their parents or legal guardian due to allegations of abuse or neglect.
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Mental Health
Mental health courts are a type of problem solving court that combine judicial supervision with community mental health treatment and other support services, in order to reduce criminal activity and improve the quality of life of participants.

The Probate Department of the Court handles decedents’ estates, trusts, and conservatorships. These matters are filed and heard at the Fontana and Victorville Districts. The Probate Department also hears petitions to establish fact of birth, death, and marriage as well as elder abuse petitions.
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Small Claims
Our Resource Center can assist self-represented litigants with small claims cases. Although we can explain court procedures and review forms, we cannot provide legal advice, and we do not have the ability to complete forms for you. Our services include information regarding all phases of the small claims case, from the demand, filing the suit, going to court, and collection issues (how to collect & how to defend against collection). You can visit our Resource Center in person, or contact by phone or email for assistance.
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